Enclosure Size: A 18″x18″x24″ or greater enclosure is recommended per pair. Keep decorated with Philodendrons, Bromeliads, Tillandsias, Orchids, Ferns, and Mosses.
Temperature: 72-76°F
Humidity: 80-100% We advise a quality mist system, such as MistKing.
Diet: As with most dart frogs, fruit flies (D. melanogaster), and micro fauna such as springtails.
Range: Colombia
Notes: We are excited to announce a small batch of legally exported, captive bred Oophaga histrionica “Sky Blue” frogs will be shipping in Spring of 2025 (Currently late March/ Early April). If you are looking for high end frogs, now is your time to lock these down. These frogs will be shipped directly from Treasures of Colombia to New York, and then to the purchaser. Domestic freight will be charged separately.
Please support sustainable export of frogs from Colombia, by donating to Tesoros de Colombia!!! All sales will process through Tesoros de Colombia.
Sex: Unsexed
Captive Life Span: 5-8 years