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Yellow Snow Isopods (Porcellio scaber), 10 Count

Yellow Snow Isopods (Porcellio scaber), 10 Count


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  • Keep them in a well-ventilated enclosure with temperatures ranging from 70°F to 85°F, and a humidity level of around 80 to 90%.
  • Provide ample leaf litter, cork bark, and moss for them to forage through.
  • Ensure there is always fresh, clean water available.  Mist regularly with RO water in dryer climates to maintain higher humidity levels.
  • Regularly monitor tank conditions to avoid any health problems or diseases.
  • Provide a deep layer of soil/ substrate for them to burrow in.
  • Food diversity is key- feed leaf litter, vegetables, and commercially available isopod diets.
  • Provide limestone, cuttlebone, or eggshell for calcium.